Aile d’Argent 1994, AC Bordeaux

說實的,除了Cadet blanc外我從未喝過「武當(Mouton)」的白酒,所以當接觸此酒時我實在有點招架不住。酒色金黃,酒腳流動速度十分緩慢。香氣濃郁,當中竟滿是乾果(葡萄乾、杏脯乾等),另有明顯的橡木及煙燻,有酒友形她簡直像「波特酒(port)」。入口果味強橫,當中以菠蘿、李子及桃子為主,酒體豐厚,可是酸度稍稍不足,多喝相信會有點膩的感覺,而且有點已經步入黃昏的感覺。
My friend came back from France with this nice wine, which was totally out of my expectation.
Actually, I have never tasted this wine before, and I almost lost under this lady’s first attack. Golden yellow colour when slow clawing legs. Very intense aroma with dried fruits (such as raisin, dried apricot, etc.), also with notable oak barrel and smokiness. Some wine-mates said the nose of her was just like Port. On palate, the powerful fruit favour of pineapple, peach and pear was first noted. Totally full body but acidity was a bit too low, which may create a sense of full. Also, it seems that she was passing through her peak and started downhill, should drink her if you have one now.
Dear friends, any comments on newer vintages?
標籤: Aile d’Argent, Bordeaux, Mouton, Port
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