星期二, 5月 15, 2007

De Bortoli Muscat Show Liqueur & 8 Year Old Tawny Port

我個人一向也不是太喜歡喝加烈酒(fortified wine),特別是波特酒(Port),主要是不太喜歡她那濃烈的酒精,而且很多時因欠缺酸味而令酒過於空洞及涸喉,加上個別酒廠的出品會帶上我不太欣賞的「古怪」味道 – 如中式涼茶、甘草等,所以我甚少主動會想喝她的。



I personally don’t like Port very much, mainly because of the high alcohol content, as well as the common absence of adequate acidity which make the wine tastes too sweet. Also some winemakers present their wine with some “strange” favour like herbs, medicinal, licorice, etc. which are not attractive stuff to me.

But on the night, two bottles of Australian Port matched with the chocolate mousse cake perfectly. The raisin sweet in wine and the smooth texture of the cake enhanced both performances. The image in my head is just like a pair of young boy and girl in their puppy love, no “Titanic” like great love story but just some honey sweet memory.

Special thanks to Ms J who organised such great event, which relieved my bad feeling recently and allowed me to have a good memory.

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