Spoil Café

朋友工作完畢後刻意跟我溜到此處吃飯,在不太餓的情況下點了個蘑菇意大利飯(mushroom risotto)和烤安格斯肉眼扒(Angus rib eye),吃的時候真有點意外的感動。意大利飯做得很傳統,很有咬勁,蘑菇香氣四溢,起司也用得恰到好處,並沒有太膩的感覺。牛扒嘛,外層的焦香竟像帶點點的炭燒味,但店員說只是普通煎鑊做出來的,很有技巧;內裡更是厲害,肉汁豐富之餘滲著點點的血腥,極引起我的食慾。缺點是牛扒本身質素平平亦帶點筋,否則一定更出色。看到鄰桌點的虎蝦(tiger prawn)也十分不俗,有機會要再訪一試。
Spoil Café
G/F Shop 1 & 1A
Sun Street
Wanchai, Hong Kong
To be honest, I never consider myself as someone who knows dining very well. From my point of view, I would care about wine much more than food in a meal. But, I would like to talk about this small restaurant for my first time.
Entered the shop with my friend after work, and order mushroom risotto and grilled Angus rib eye only as we were not too hungry. I was really impressed by the quality of the food. The risotto was real al dente, with very nice fragrance of mushroom. Use of cheese was just right, almost perfect. For the steak, the crispy surface with tons of juice inside, just the quality of the steak was not optimal, otherwise that would be another perfect dish. The tiger prawn in the next table looked nice too, I probably would try that out next time.
As such a small restaurant, there are plenty of glasses. Corkage is $100/bottle, which I will try to negotiate next time if I have to bring more wine.
標籤: Spoil Café
I tried this restaurant back a few weeks ago and find it highly recommendable as well despite of their very unnoticeable location! I'm a pasta lover and they make really good pasta too! Can we consider organizing our next wine event here if they agreed on waiving the corkage? :)
sure, i will try to liaise with them for waiving the corkage, at least some bottles. my friend told me that if we can gather a certain number of people, say 8-10, they can tailor-made a menu for us.
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