Le Nez Du Vin and My Son
農曆新年數天假期,沒有外遊,只是留在家中享天倫之樂。一天,兒子突然拿起我的水松木酒塞往鼻子嗅。我忽發奇想,不若訓練一下他的嗅覺,於是便拿了整套「酒鼻子」 (Le Nez Du Vin) 跟他玩玩看,可惜最後他還是覺得把瓶子當積木來玩會比較有趣。
I spent the holidays of Chinese New Year all in home with my wife and son. One day, my boy took my corks and smelt them, I thought that may be a chance to train up his nose, so I took out the set of “Le Nez Du Vin” and play with him. However, he finally considered that the bottles are blocks more than anything.
Hi dullchai,
Where did you buy your Le Nez du Vin? Is it worth buying?
hi kikikuet
i bought the item on Internet, you can check it at the link in my blog
i have the complete set, i.e. the basic aroma, wook favour and fault favour, but i think only buying the basic set (54 aroma) will be enough
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