Dessert as Meal

有幸得網友kikikuet邀請到其府上參與一次「盤菜」為前菜,甜點為主菜的晚宴。吃甜品當然是配上甜酒的了,當晚各酒友帶來了不同類型的甜酒,我想趁此機會說說部分甜酒的特質 - 「貴族霉」。
那甚麼東西會令葡萄汁中的糖份濃度會極高呢?其中一樣就是「貴族霉」(Noble rot / Botrytis cinerea)。「貴族霉」一種天然的霉菌,通常出玩在時而潮濕、時而乾燥的環境。法國波爾多的蘇玳區(Sauternes)正正是這樣,在入秋時分,該區早上受河流影響而會出現潮濕的濃霧,但太陽出了後又會乾爽起來。
其實還有其他情況會得到糖份濃度高的葡萄汁,例如延後收割時間(Late harvest),天然或人為冷凍成冰的葡萄(Ice wine)等,不過以後有機會再談了。

After attending a desert meal organized by kikikuet, I would like to talk about an important factor in sweet / dessert wine: noble rot / botrytis cinerea.
Sweet wines are made with ultra-intense grape juice, which is often the result of noble rot. Noble rot appears in damp and dry alternative appearing places, like Sauternes in autumn. The rot will dry up the grape on vine, and the raisin collected will then be pressed for producing extreme sweet grape juice. After fermentation, the high level of residual sugar in the wine will make her taste sweet.
Usually, aroma of this style of sweet wine include raisin, dried fruit, nuts, sometimes with plastic and cheese, and of course the favour of botrytis. I am sorry that I am too lack of vocabularies to describe botrytis aroma, but the bitterness in the aftertaste of sweet wine are usually caused by botrytis cinerea. There are other styles of sweet wines, such as late harvest, ice wine, etc., but they will be discussed later if chances arise.
Dessert wines in Hong Kong are rather expensive, average ones cost about $200 – 300, while better ones at least take you $500 – 600. Wine is interesting because you will not know her until you try her by yourself. So, be prepared for this sweet lady, and if you catch some nice ones, do let me know.
(Botrytis riesling photo from