Wine Tax

1. 業界已多次提出減稅要求,否則香港葡萄酒業很難成為亞太區的交易中心;
2. 澳門大有可能會完全撤銷葡萄酒稅(現時酒價的15%,香港則為酒價的40%),若香港不減稅,除了做不成交易中心外,走私問題會日益嚴重;
3. 經濟好,財政有盈餘,可當作還富於民。
After attending a luncheon held last week, I have a chance to discuss views on wine tax in Hong Kong with some industry members. They all reckoned that there will be a great chance for tax cut again this year because:
1. The trade has requested the Government to reduce the tax or else Hong Kong can never be the wine trade centre in the Asian-Pacific Region;
2. Macau will probably eliminate wine tax to encourage trading, which means she will be a strong competitor to Hong Kong if there is no change of the tax rate in Hong Kong. Also, smuggling will be a huge problem; and
3. The economy has been great in 2007, it would be a high time to return the wealth to public.
BUT, from my own point of view, I am not too optimistic for a tax reduction because the tax rate has been reduced from 80% of the price of wine to 40% last year, chances for tax cut in two consecutive years may not be that large for such a bureaucratic and conservative government. They probably think that it would be more appropriate to do so next year.
Again but, I do hope the Government can make a surprise to me.