星期三, 2月 28, 2007

Revised Duty on Alcoholic Beverages in Hong Kong





(資料來源: http://www.budget.gov.hk/2007/chi/speech.htm)

In the Budget Speech today, the Financial Secretary said:

Duty on Alcoholic Beverages

I believe that reducing the duty on alcoholic beverages will help promote the development of our catering industry, tourism and wholesale and retail alcoholic beverage trade, thereby benefiting the community at large. I propose that the duty rate on beer and other types of liquor containing not more than 30 per cent of alcohol be reduced from the current 40 per cent to 20 per cent, and that on wine from the current 80 per cent to 40 per cent. These proposals take immediate effect, and will cost the Government about $350 million a year.

During the Budget consultation period, some people suggested that the Budget should be more visionary: for instance, the duty on alcoholic beverages should be abolished to boost economic activities, increase employment and promote the development of Hong Kong as the region's wine exhibition, trading and logistics centre. I am willing to consider this innovative idea further if it enjoys broad community support.

(Source: http://www.budget.gov.hk/2007/eng/speech.htm)

星期日, 2月 25, 2007

Oz and James's Big Wine Adventure

從網上知道英國廣播公司(BBC)拍攝了一輯由著名葡萄酒評論家Oz Clarke與一位對葡萄酒沒甚麼認識的汽車及體育節目主持James May暢遊法國多個葡萄酒產區的節目,經多番搜尋終於訂到手。

節目其實類似現時甚為流行的「真人秀」(Reality Show),Oz的目標是要把「葡萄酒盲」James教導成為一名對葡萄酒有基本概念的人,但James是一位十分有主見且不是熱衷於葡萄酒的人,於是過程便順理成章的充滿笑話,娛樂性挺豐富。當中有些片段的確令人忍不住笑出來,例如:

1. Oz細心講解形容葡萄酒的用語時,叫James去嗅一嗅牛糞!
2. James在Chateau Pichon-Lalande以燒烤肉腸去形容他們的出品(但莊主夫人竟然同意)!
3. Oz在教皇區(Chatrauneuf-du-Pape)嘗試十三種法定許可的葡萄,只能猜中三種!
4. James表示只用約8英鎊的香檳比Krug的Clos du Mesnil好喝!




After a long period of searching, I finally have bought this series successfully. This series of TV programme was produced by BBC, which was about a trip in France by Oz Clarke, a famous wine authority, and James May, a Sports and Car programme host who know nothing about wine.

The series is something like “Reality Show”, which Oz’s task was to educate James on basic wine knowledge. However, the problem was that James was not that enthusiastic with wine, and thus lots of jokes were captured, for example:

1. Oz asked James to smell bull shit for describing wine!
2. James used barbecue sausage to describe Chateau Pichon-Lalande’s wine (but the host shared his view)!
3. Oz blind tasted all 13 allowed grapes of Chatrauneuf-du-Pape and got 3 correct only!
4. James reckoned that the inexpensive Champagne (about 8 GBP) was better than Krug’s Clos du Mesnil!

Other than the jokes, this TV series is still worth watching as it explained some important wine facts clearly, such as wine-making processes, knowledge on terroir, wine tasting procedures, etc.

If you wish to watch something simple on wine, this programme may suit your expectation.

星期三, 2月 21, 2007

Le Nez Du Vin and My Son

農曆新年數天假期,沒有外遊,只是留在家中享天倫之樂。一天,兒子突然拿起我的水松木酒塞往鼻子嗅。我忽發奇想,不若訓練一下他的嗅覺,於是便拿了整套「酒鼻子」 (Le Nez Du Vin) 跟他玩玩看,可惜最後他還是覺得把瓶子當積木來玩會比較有趣。


I spent the holidays of Chinese New Year all in home with my wife and son. One day, my boy took my corks and smelt them, I thought that may be a chance to train up his nose, so I took out the set of “Le Nez Du Vin” and play with him. However, he finally considered that the bottles are blocks more than anything.

星期二, 2月 13, 2007

BBR Burgundy Tasting on 7 Feb 2007

數日前收到BBR寄來的電郵,介紹在2月7日晚上舉行的試酒會。今次的試酒會竟然要收費,但考慮到試的都是布根地佳釀,加上有該公司的葡萄酒部董事Alun Griffiths MW出席,當上一課也該值得,而且入場費也可以用作扣除買酒的費用,最後還是乖乖付款報名了。

當日下午放了半天假,跟很久沒有拍過拖的太太到Cova吃了個下午茶自助餐,飽得要命,但真是值得一試的,強烈推薦各位一試。六時半施施然的走到BBR的店舖,等了又等,客人越來越多,但遲遲未見Mr Griffiths,結果他表示因的士司機迷了路而遲到云云,可憐的我卻是等了差不多等了四十五分鐘才正式開始。以下是我對6支葡萄酒的印象:

2003 Vougeot Blanc, Les Cras, 1er Cru, Domaine Bertagna

2003 Pommard, Grands Epenots, 1er Cru, Domaine Hubert de Montille

2001 Volnay, Les Fremiets, 1er Cru, Domaine Jean Boillot

2000 Echézeaux, Grand Cru, Domaine Jacques Cacheux et Fils

1991 Clos de la Roche, Grand Cru, Domaine Louis Remy

1985 Latricières Chambertin, Grand Cru, Domaine Louis Remy


This was not a free tasting as BBR usually held, but I still joined it because: (1) it was a Burgundy night, (2) the Wine Director of BBR Mr Alun Griffiths MW would present, and (3) the admission fee can be used for reduction of the wine bought on the night.

After a heavy but lovely tea buffet with my wife in Cova, I went the BBR’s shop sharp at 6:30pm, but I almost turned into a fossil because Mr Griffiths was late for about 45 minutes. Anyway, it was a nice evening. My comments on the wines are as follows:

2003 Vougeot Blanc, Les Cras, 1er Cru, Domaine Bertagna
Full of honey, pineapple and peach in nose. On palate, the refreshing acidity brought by the sweet and sour of pineapple was really lovely. Flint and mineral were also noted later. Aftertaste showed the bitterness of Chardonnay. A nice wine.

2003 Pommard, Grands Epenots, 1er Cru, Domaine Hubert de Montille
A young wine of purple-ruby colour, with cherry, raspberry, vanilla and unexpected hint of black fruit, herbs were also noted later. She gave me a round feeling in mouth, with just low-medium acidity and cherry and raspberry taste, not too smooth after a while. I personally think that she is too strong too powerful and lack of elegance. It’s true that wine from Pommard are usually strong, but she looks like something from Napa.

2001 Volnay, Les Fremiets, 1er Cru, Domaine Jean Boillot
Ruby colour with pink rim, the sediments are more than I expected. Red fruit (cherry and raspberry) and vegetal note dominated the nose, rather typical Pinot Noir. Cherry and strawberry were noted on palate, with some spice. If price is not the consideration element, I think she would be a nice teaching material for lectures on Burgundy wine.

2000 Echézeaux, Grand Cru, Domaine Jacques Cacheux et Fils
Charming ruby colour with lots of red fruit (cherry and raspberry) and vegetal (cabbage) on nose, hint of earthy. Rather complicated wine. Very smooth on palate, with red fruit and spice, and alcohol is a bit more apparent than I expected. Still, she was a nice and balanced wine. Echézeaux is always Echézeaux.

1991 Clos de la Roche, Grand Cru, Domaine Louis Remy
Medium brick red in appearance, she was a bit closed at first. Vegetal, leather, earthy and smoky nose came out slowly, and the red fruit was not too significant. Acidity was very nice on palate, and the taste of raspberry could be noted easily. Oak was also found, strange. I think among the bottles of the night, this one was the most suitable wine for immediate consumption, but sold out when I wanted to buy…

1985 Latricières Chambertin, Grand Cru, Domaine Louis Remy
Pale brick red with some hint of garnet, lots of sediments when poured into glass. On nose, animals, leather, vegetal and wet leaves dominated, accompanied by cherry, earthy and soy sauce, typical matured Burgundy red. Extremely smooth on palate with high acidity, cherry and raspberry were clearly noted, fruitiness continued for a long time, good wine.

星期五, 2月 09, 2007

Penfolds Thomas Hyland Shiraz 2004




Very deep purple-ruby colour, almost like black. Blackberry, plum, vanilla and coconut are shown in the glass, with hint of liquorices, rather sweet in nose. Very powerful tannin and alcohol on palate, with clear black fruit (blackberry and blackcurrant), and the aftertaste is not short.

I personally think that this kind of New World mass production suits barbecue with a large group friends, simple and showing all characters of Shiraz, nice party wine. But just a bit too much if I have to drink more than a glass…